
one Indonesian specialties are tempe, Tempe widely consumed in Indonesia, but now has worldwide. Vegetarians around the world many of which have been using tempeh instead of meat. As a result now tempeh produced in many places in the world, not only in Indonesia. Various studies in a number of countries, such as Germany, Japan, and the United States. Indonesia is also now trying to develop strains (strains) to produce a superior Rhizopus tempe faster, quality, or improve the nutritional content of tempeh. Some worry this activity can threaten the existence of tempe as a food ingredient public property because the strains of yeast tempeh can excel registered its patent rights so that the use of reserved (requires a license from the patent holder).
Indonesia is the country's largest soybean producer in the world and become the largest soybean markets in Asia. As many as 50% of Indonesian soy consumption is done in the form of soybean, 40% know, and 10% in the form of another product (such as tauco, ketchup, etc.). The average consumption of tempeh per person per year in Indonesia is currently thought to be about 6.45 kg.

In the days of the Japanese occupation of Indonesia, the prisoners of war who were fed tempe spared from dysentery and edema lapar.Sejumlah studies published in the 1940s until the 1960s also concluded that many prisoners of World War II survived because tempe.Menurut Onghokham , tempeh is rich in protein has saved the health of the population of Indonesia is dense and relatively low income.

However, the name 'tempe' ever used in urban areas of Java, especially Central Java, to refer to something inferior. Terms such as 'mental tempe' or 'tempe class' is used to debase the sense that it is spoken of low quality because it's like tempeh. [13] Sukarno, Indonesia's first president, often warned the Indonesian people by saying, "Do not become a nation of tempeh. New in the mid-1960s views on tempe is starting to change.

In the late 1960s and early 1970s there was a change in the manufacture of tempeh in Indonesia. [14] plastic (polyethylene) began to replace banana leaves to wrap tempe, yeast-based flour (produced starting in 1976 by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences and is widely used by Indonesian Tofu Tempe Producers Cooperative, began to replace the traditional laru, and soybean imports began to replace local soybean, soybean production is increased and the industry began to be modernized in the 1980s, partly thanks to the role of the Coptic stood on March 11, 1979 in Jakarta and in 1983 has been of more than 28,000 producers tempeh and tofu.

Technical standards for the tempe has been set in the Indonesian National Standards and applicable since October 9, 2009 is ISO 3144: 2009. In these standards, soy tempe is defined as "the product obtained from the fermentation of soy beans by using Rhizopus sp., Compact solid form, white slightly grayish and distinctive smell tempe"

 the adaptation of wikipedia

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